Care Coordination

Integrated whole person care that takes the burden out of navigating the healthcare system for the members who are most at need.

Predictive Analytics

The first step is to identify the members in your population who need the most support and/or are at the highest risk becoming high-cost claimants. Asterias Health begins by aggregating patient data from multiple sources and feeds this data through integrated algorithms and machine learning to identifying which members of a population are at risk.  We then reach out to this “At-Risk” population utilizing creative ways to engage them. 

Gaps in Care Closure


Once engaged, we leverage data analytics and decision support tools to inform our clinicians of gaps in care. Armed with this information, our team educates and motivates members to partner with them to close these gaps in care and provide them with the tools and support they need to manage their health. 

  • High Risk Member Outreach 
  • Decision Support Tools 
  • Close Gaps in Care

Care Navigation

By utilizing current quality and price data our care coordinators steer members to value based specialty physicians, ancillary services, and medical facilities that are in-network.  In addition, with our advanced telehealth technology your members can receive care from many of these providers while in the worksite health center and even at home.

A Connected Healthcare Ecosystem

Personalized to your needs.

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